


根据 二次烘烤时间的不同,烘烤可以分为轻度,中度,中度加重和重度烘烤。每种烘烤强度的差异均赋予橡木不同的化学特征,这些不同体现在对烤面包香,香料香,香草香或者椰子香等不同香气的加强。

la chauffe

Maître Tonnelier


目前,在不同烘烤程度的基础上,哈杜橡木桶更开发了特殊技术,提供了四种不同系列的烘烤类型:景点型烘烤(Classique),改良型烘烤(Evolution),果香型烘烤(Révélation )和整合型烘烤(Intégration)。


Tables of recommendations

We have set up a classification of eight wine profiles in order to propose the most appropriate aging methods depending on the objectives you are seeking for your wines

  • Profile of concentrated, balanced red wines
  • Profile of very mature red wines
  • Profile of varietal red wines
  • Profile of delicate red wines
  • Profile of delicate varietal white wines
  • Profile of mature, concentrated white wines
  • Profile of liqueur wines and natural sweet wines
  • Spirits

These profiles have been defined according to the wine varieties, the characteristics on the nose and palate of basic wines. Depending on the size of the container, the origin of the wood, the selection of grain and the type of toast, we recommend for each wine the intensity of aromas and structure and the optimum aging periods. Several technical strategies are suggested for these categories:

  • Toasts at fairly low temperatures to obtain freshness ;
  • Long or intense toasts to obtain more complex aromas and increase sweetness ;
  • Medium toasts for a good balance aroma/volume ;
  • Larger barrels to reduce the ratio wood/wine ;

This list is not exhaustive and can be adapted according to the style of wines required.